With the new year came a new version of Office 365, with new features to secure your data, enhance collaboration, and build office systems. The most recent versions of Office 365 include some minor bug fixes, security updates – so get your IT team on this update quickly – and also a few functional updates. Functional updates include scrolling in Word called line focus, and the ability to transform a Word Document to a webpage by navigating to a clear command. In PowerPoint, you’ll find slide-design ideas and upgrades from ink to images and text. Outlook has improved data encryption, and most programs make the accessibility checker, well, more accessible.

Get the Team on Board

Time to implement the newest versions of Office 365, and if you’re not yet a user, now is a good time to get on board with the program so that you can follow along with the security and feature updates from now on.

You might stop to consider buy-in from your team before you make the shift to Office 365, if you’re not there yet. The reality is, there might be already more advance buy-in that you know. Because Office 365 is so well known and high-functioning for most organizations, your team may just be waiting for your business to make the change.


Either way, when you upgrade to Office 365 or update your current version, be sure to offer a few training sessions for employees to learn how to use the advanced tools so your investment in technology never goes to waste.

Office 365 at Centriworks

We want to help you succeed – it’s our business. Start with Centriworks for your Office 365 solutions, and you’ll be amazed at where you can go from here. Let’s talk today.


We’re ready to help you work smarter.

Call us at (865) 524-1124 or use this contact form. Let us know what you’d like to know more about and one of our experts will be in touch with you soon.

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